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帖子  xiaofeifei 周五 九月 23, 2011 3:44 am

If you are familiar with the all time classic film, 'The Matrix', you will be only to well aware that the sunglasses that the various characters wear go an awful long way to add to the atmosphere and the whole make up of the film, there is something about the sunglasses that agent Smith wears which just seems to hide what he is thinking, may be that's a good thing but it seems to be the case that each character in the film is wearing a pair if stunning matrix sunglasses and each pair of these matrix sunglasses tells a different story.aurinkolasit ray ban , For those of us without the matrix factor, these famous sunglasses can be worn on more or less any occasion and they do really give a similar effect to that given when you are watching the film.jimmy choo , When you see someone walk into the room wearing a pair of Morpheus matrix sunglasses you instantly recall the Matrix film and how you felt when you saw it for the first time.louis vuitton , That just goes to show what an impact Matrix sunglasses had then and the effect that they still have now.orologio ,

Morpheus Matrix sunglasses have been a big hit from the moment the first Matrix film was released and they have always been an extremely sought after item. It is not surprising because the simplicity of the design is something that appeals to so many people and before the release of the Matrix film it was not a design that to many people were to familiar with. As you would probably imagine, there have been many attempts over the years to recreate these Matrix sunglasses but without much success from the original Blinde design but it has got to be said that the latest M.2 Morpheus are absolutely perfect with the added benefit of one size fitting all. All of these famous sunglasses can be worn in a wide variety of situations and look absolutely brilliant every time, it may be that you want to wear them on the beach when relaxing, when you are out on the town and looking cool is the only requirement or you could even wear them at a fancy dress party in an attempt to look like one of the characters from the Matrix, whatever your requirements there will be a pair of Matrix sunglasses that are suitable and that cannot be said about many other designs of sunglasses. Be hip and cool with wearing famous sunglasses like the Matrix sunglasses.


帖子数 : 26
注册日期 : 11-06-07

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